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  深圳市赢彩数码科技有限公司,于2008年在国内进行“数码彩印机,打印机,平板打印机,数码印花机”的研发,产品发展至今已有皮革数码印花机,布料数码印花机,五金数码印花机,木器数码印花机,陶瓷数码印花机,大理石数码印花机,塑胶数码印花机,皮革数码彩印机,布料数码彩印机,五金数码彩印机,木器数码彩印机,陶瓷数码彩印机,大理石数码彩印机,塑胶数码彩印机,皮革打印机,布料打印机,五金打印机,木器打印机,陶瓷打印机,大理石打印机,塑胶打印机,皮革平板打印机,布料平板打印机,五金平板打印机,木器平板打印机,陶瓷平板打印机,大理石平板打印机,塑胶平板打印机,并在2013年应市场的需求秉承国家科研发展路线成立了专业的公司。赢彩数码有多年的科研经验,旗下有专门的科研团队和的技术人员,并且赢彩数码的自主研发能力,技术水平在同行中也是独占鳌头,公司目前在福建,河北,山东等地设有代理商。   我们所生产的是赢彩多功能数码彩印机应用面广泛,适合在箱包,鞋,皮带,布料,五金,木器,陶瓷,大理石,塑胶,等上进行直接印刷该机器的特点是在印刷时;无需制版,多彩图形,一次成像,并且打印出来的图案高清晰,色彩鲜艳,附着力强,牢固度好. 公司秉承“以创新技术为开拓市场的基石,用优质的服务质量来服务客户”的经营理念,共创双赢辉煌。 海纳百川,有容乃大,赢彩人正用积极的心态/开阔的胸怀去迎接美好的明天   Shenzhen ying cai digital technology co., LTD., founded in 2008 in the domestic first digital color printing machine, universal printer, flat-panel printers, digital printing machine research and development, product development has been a digital printing machine, leather cloth digital printing machine, hardware digital printing machine, wood digital printing machine, digital printing machine of pottery and porcelain, marble digital printing machine, plastic digital printing machine, digital color printing machine, leather cloth digital printing machine, hardware digital color printing machine, wood digital color printing machine, digital color printing machine, ceramic marble digital color printing machine, plastic digital color printing machine, universal printer, leather cloth universal printer, universal printer hardware, wood universal printer, universal printer of pottery and porcelain, marble universal printer, plastic universal printer, flat-panel printers, leather cloth plate printer, metal plate printer, wood plate printer, ceramic plate printer, marble plate printer, plastic plate printer, and should be the demand of the market in 2013 established professional company adhering to the national scientific research and development route.Win the color digital have years of experience in scientific research, with special scientific research team and first-class technical staff, and win the color digital independent research and development ability, technical level is dominant among the colleagues, the company in fujian, hebei, shandong and other places have agents.  
What we produce is win colour multi-function digital color printing machine application widely, suitable for bags, shoes, belts, cloth, metal, wood, ceramic, marble, plastic, such as direct printing on the characteristics of the machine is at the time of printing;No need plate making, colorful graphics, imaging, and print design, high-definition, bright colors, strong adhesion, good fastness.
Companies adhering to the "innovative technology as the cornerstone of market development, with excellent service quality to customer service" business philosophy, to create a win-win future.
Empty sea, tolerance is a great, win the color people are using itive attitude/open mind to meet better tomorrow  
企业名称: 深圳市赢彩数码科技有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 广东/深圳 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00